Wednesday, September 23, 2009

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped”-Anthony Robbins

Destiny- Nathan Jalanti Taylor

Destiny is always stalking you,

He is invisible to the untrained eye,

He sends messages everyday leading you closer to him

In the alchemist one of the most recurrent theme is destiny. Destiny is known through out many cultures, even though they might have different understandings of destiny. For example in Islam they believe that destiny will never trick. This is also quite similar to what Melchizedek said to Santiago in The Alchemist. They also believe you will always have a happy ending to you life. To Muslims Destiny is not something that you must follow, it symbolizes free will. This shows that what ever you do to follow your destiny all you need to do is follow what you want to do. Where your heart takes you.

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