"The Lost Boys" follows two boys who were selected to go to America, Peter and Santino. They both were sent to Houston Texas to live. Both were amazed at how different Sudan and Houston were different. In the first few months Peter experienced many difficulties in adapting to the western culture. Since Peter was funded by the US government he was only able to stay at a very low cost building with many other Sudanese. Peter thought that this was unacceptable because the whole place was very messy and unhygienic. They also got robbed many times because they lived in a poor neighborhood. Peter also found it unfair how they did not have a right to be educated due to their age even though they did not know their actual age. The lost boys also found it hard to change their tradition. Some found it unjust that they could not hold hands with another man in public because they would be laughed at and be called a homosexual. Peter could not take any of this so he decided to move to Kansas to seek a better life and better treatment.
In Kansas Peter lived a better life. He still lived with Sudanese but he was a lot more integrated to the US society. Once Peter was in Kansas he toke action and was allowed to go to school. Peter started getting friends from school. He would go to their houses and talk to them. Through this his English was improving. He also tried out for basketball. He started to connect with other people through sport. Another way was by religion. Peter would attend Church with a few friends. He was also invited to a church gathering with other people. He got to socialize with others and gain new friends. Although Peter was adapting well to America you could still see that he still felt a bit out of place.
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