Saturday, May 22, 2010

Void Blog Post

Part 1
The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the (silence) attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a highly sucessful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

I think by putting the silence right before listing what each student should develop would create a lot of tension in the audience. I believe that this place would be appropriate because when you add a void it keeps the audience curious about what their children will be learning and developing at ISKL. This also keeps people listening and paying attention because what there child would learn is a very important part of how they choose schools. This would make the audience very nervous and anxious about the school's curriculum so they wait for the answer listening intently. That is why I believe putting a silence before telling the audience what their kids will be developing and learning is the best place to put a void.

Part 2

One way that composers can create tension in a piece of music is with a pause. This would cause a lot of tension because the audience would be very confused about where the music has gone and also are curious whats coming next. The audience starts to ask questions. A composer could create the release of the tension by starting the music again answering any questions and also hooking a few more audience members to listen more intently. The composer can make emphasize by using a crescendo before the void so the listener would think that the music would keep growing but then suddenly it stops. That is one way the composers can create tension and a release through music.

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